ISRO Syllabus and Exam Pattern for Assistant/UDC/JPA/Stenographer

For exam preparation, the ISRO syllabus and exam pattern for assistant, UDC, JPA, and stenographer posts are excellent resources. Candidates can gain comprehensive knowledge of the ISRO syllabus and exam pattern for assistants, UDCs, JPAs, and stenographer posts from these articles.

ISRO Syllabus and Exam Pattern for Assistant/UDC/JPA/Stenographer

ISRO Assistant/UDC/JPA/Stenographer Syllabus and Exam Pattern: The ISRO Syllabus must be familiar to candidates who wish to begin their careers as assistants, UDCs, or junior personal assistants. Candidates must ensure that they are well-versed in the section-by-section topics that will be covered before beginning preparation for the ISRO exam. The Indian Space Research Organization has made the PDF of the ISRO syllabus available on its official website, so you don’t have to go there. You will find the ISRO Exam Pattern for each post and the complete syllabus in this article.

ISRO Exam Pattern for Assistant/UDC/ & Junior Personal Assistant/Stenographer 

The selection procedure for the ISRO Assistant, UDC, and Junior Personal Assistant/Steno exams will have three phases.

  1. Phase 1: Computer-Based Test (CBT)
  2. Phase 2: Interview/Skill Test
  3. Phase 3: Document Verification

ISRO Exam Pattern for Assistant/UDC

The following are some significant points about the ISRO Exam Pattern 2023 for Assistant/UDC Exam Format:

  • The ISRO Assistant/UDC exam is based on objective-type or multiple-choice questions and will be conducted in online mode.
  • The ISRO Assistant/UDC exam consists of four sections, which are: general English, quantitative
    Aptitude, General Intelligence, Reasoning Ability, and General Knowledge
  • There will be a total of 200 questions for 200 marks, and the duration of the examination will be 120 minutes. Each question is worth one point.
  • The ISRO Assistant/UDC exam has negative marking, with 0.25 marks deducted for each incorrect answer attempted by a candidate.
  • To be eligible for the ISRO Assistant/UDC exam, you must pass each of the four sections.
  • There will be Hindi and English question papers. A paper written in English should be attempted in English.

Candidates may check the table below to know about the scheme of the ISRO Assistant/UDC exam pattern:

PartSubjectMaximum QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
AGeneral English5050120
Intelligence &
Reasoning ability
DGeneral Knowledge5050
Total200200 2 hours


ISRO Exam Pattern for Junior Personal Assistant/Stenographer

The following are some significant points about the ISRO Exam Pattern for Junior Personal Assistant/Stenographer:

  • The ISRO Junior Personal Assistant/Stenographer exam is based on objective-type or multiple-type questions and will be conducted in online mode.
  • The ISRO Junior Personal Assistant/Stenographer exam consists of three sections, which are: English Language and Comprehension; General Intelligence and Reasoning Ability; and Quantitative Aptitude and General Knowledge.
  • There will be a total of 200 questions for 200 marks, and the duration of the examination will be 120 minutes. Each question is worth one point.
  • Each question carries one mark, and there will be 0.25 marks deducted for every question attempted incorrectly by a candidate.
  • To be eligible for the ISRO Junior Personal Assistant/Stenographer exam, you must pass each of the three sections.
  • The question paper shall be in English and Hindi (bilingual). An English-language paper has to be attempted in English.

Candidates may check the table below to know about the scheme of the ISRO Junior Personal Assistant/Stenographer exam pattern:

PartSubjectNo of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime
AEnglish Language & Comprehension100100120
BGeneral Intelligence & Reasoning ability5050
CQuantitative Aptitude & General
Total200200 2 hours


ISRO Syllabus for Assistant/UDC & Junior Personal Assistant/Stenographer 

Let’s take a closer look at the detailed ISRO syllabus for assistant/UDC and junior personal assistant/stenographer below.

ISRO Syllabus for Assistant/UDC

General English:

Questions to see how well the candidate understands and knows the language, as well as how well they can write correctly, precisely, and effectively, and how to use words, idioms, and phrases correctly, etc.

Quantitative Aptitude:

Questions on the Number System, Percentages, Profit and Loss, Discount, Ratio & Proportion, Mixer & Allegation, Averages, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Distance, Time & Work, Pipe & Cistern, Boat & Stream, Partnership, Surds & Indices, LCM & HCF, Simplification, Geometry (Triangles, Circles, Quadrilateral, Lines & Angles),Trigonometry (Trigonometric Identities, Trigonometric Ratios, Circular measures of Angles, Heights & distance etc), Mensuration (Area, Perimeter, Volume etc), Algebra (Factorisation, Coordinate Geometry,Polynomials, Sequence & Series, Algebraic identities, Linear equations etc), Statistics & data interpretation, etc.

General Intelligence & Reasoning ability:

Questions of the missing number, repeated series, analogy, venn diagram, logical word arrangement, coding and decoding, sitting arrangement, ranking arrangement, dice, cube, and cuboid, calendar, number series, coded equation, clock, directions, calculating figures, problems based on alphabets, sequence, mirror, and water image, etc., both verbal and nonverbal.

General Knowledge:

Questions about current events of national and international significance, as well as the candidates’ awareness of the environment around them. Questions on politics, the economy, history, culture, geography, science, and other topics will also be on the test.

ISRO Syllabus for Junior Personal Assistant/Stenographer

English Language&Comprehension:

This section’s questions, such as “spot the error,” “fill in the blanks,” “synonyms and antonyms,” “detection of misspelled words,” “idioms and phrases,” “one word substitution,” “sentence improvements,” “active/passive voice,” “direct/indirect narration,” “close paragraph,” “comprehension,” and other similar tasks, are intended to assess the candidate’s comprehension and comprehension of English.

Quantitative Aptitude:

Questions on the Number System, Percentages, Profit and Loss, Discount, Ratio & Proportion, Mixer & Allegation, Averages, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Distance, Time & Work, Pipe & Cistern, Boat & Stream, Partnership, Surds & Indices, LCM & HCF, Simplification, Geometry (Triangles, Circles, Quadrilateral, Lines & Angles),Trigonometry (Trigonometric Identities, Trigonometric Ratios, Circular measures of Angles, Heights & distance etc), Mensuration (Area, Perimeter, Volume etc), Algebra (Factorisation, Coordinate Geometry,Polynomials, Sequence & Series, Algebraic identities, Linear equations etc), Statistics & data interpretation, etc.

General Intelligence & Reasoning ability:

Questions of the missing number, repeated series, analogy, venn diagram, logical word arrangement, coding and decoding, sitting arrangement, ranking arrangement, dice, cube, and cuboid, calendar, number series, coded equation, clock, directions, calculating figures, problems based on alphabets, sequence, mirror, and water image, etc., both verbal and nonverbal.

General Knowledge:

Questions about current events of national and international significance, as well as the candidates’ awareness of the environment around them. Questions on politics, the economy, history, culture, geography, science, and other topics will also be on the test.


Q1. What is the syllabus of the ISRO Assistant/UDC and Junior Personal Assistant/Steno exams?

Ans: The ISRO Assistant/UDC and Junior Personal Assistant/Steno syllabus and exam pattern can both be found in the provided article.

Q2. Will the ISRO Assistant/UDC and Junior Personal Assistant/Steno written tests be conducted in offline or online mode?
Ans: The written ISRO Assistant, UDC, and Junior Personal Assistant,Steno tests will be conducted in online mode.

Q3. Are the ISRO Assistant/UDC and Junior Personal Assistant/Steno exams for prelims and mains bilingual?
Ans: The tests, except for the Test of English and Hindi Language, will be available bilingually in English and Hindi.

Q4. Does the ISRO Assistant/UDC and Junior Personal Assistant/Steno have negative marking?
Ans: Each question carries one mark, and there will be 0.25 marks deducted for every question attempted incorrectly by a candidate.

For any other ISRO Assistant/UDC & Junior Personal Assistant,/Steno related information ,visit the official

⇒To download previous year’s question papers for various exams in India,visit the home

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