NVS Syllabus and Exam Pattern for PGT, TGT, Principal Posts

When it comes to preparing for the NVS exam, the NVS syllabus and exam pattern are excellent resources. In these articles, candidates will learn about the NVS syllabus and exam pattern for the NVS exam to prepare for the posts of post-graduate teachers (PGTs), trained graduate teachers (TGTs), and principal posts.

NVS Syllabus and Exam Pattern

NVS Syllabus and Exam Pattern:NVS stands for Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti. NVS is an autonomous government of India body that reports to the ministry of human resource development and the department of school education and literacy. There are about 630 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) functional under the NVS across India, except in Tamil Nadu. NVS conducts an examination to recruit teachers for the PGT, TGT, and principal posts.

NVS Exam Pattern 

The selection procedure for the NVS 2023 exams will have two phases.

  1. Phase 1: Written Examination
  2. Phase 2: Interview & Document Verification

NVS Exam Pattern for PGT

Here are some key points about the NVS PGT exam pattern:

  • The NVS PGT exam consists of six sections, which are: Resoning Ability,General Awareness,Knowledge of ICT,Teaching Aptitude,Domain Subject Knowledge, and Language Competency Test.
  • Examination will be MCQ type and will be conducted through offline mode.
  • There will be a total of 150 questions for 150 marks, and the duration of the examination will be 150 minutes.
  • Each question carries one mark, and there will be no negative marking.
  • The question paper shall be in English and Hindi (bilingual).

Candidates may check the table below to learn about NVS Exam Pattern PGT:

    No. of   TestName of Sections(Objective)No. of                QuestionsMaximum            Marks     Duration   
    Part-1General Awareness   10   10150 minutes
    Part-2Resoning Ability   20   20
    Part-3Knowledge of ICT   10   10
    Part-4Teaching Aptitude   10   10
    Part-5Subject Concerned and its Pedagogy   80   80
    Part-6Language Competency Test(General English-10,General Hindi-10)   20   20
    Total 150 150


NVS Exam Pattern for TGT&TGT Misc. 

Here are some key points about the NVS TGT&TGT Misc. exam pattern:

  • The NVS PGT exam consists of six sections, which are: Resoning Ability,General Awareness,Knowledge of ICT,Teaching Aptitude,Domain Subject Knowledge, and Language Competency Test.
  • Examination will be MCQ type and will be conducted through offline mode.
  • There will be a total of 150 questions for 150 marks, and the duration of the examination will be 150 minutes.
  • Each question carries one mark, and there will be no negative marking.
  • The question paper shall be in English and Hindi (bilingual).

Candidates may check the table below to learn about  NVS Exam Pattern TGT&TGT Misc.:

    No. of  TestName of Sections(Objective)No. of                QuestionsMaximum            Marks         Duration   
    Part-1General Awareness   10   10150 minutes
    Part-2Resoning Ability   20   20
    Part-3Knowledge of ICT   10   10
    Part-4Teaching Aptitude   10   10
    Part-5Subject Concerned and its Pedagogy   80   80
    Part-6Language Competency Test(General English-10,General Hindi-10)   20   20
    Total 150 150

NVS Exam Pattern for Principal 

Here are some key points about the NVS Principal exam pattern:

  • The NVS Principal exam consists of five sections, which are: reasoning and numeric ability; general awareness; language competency test; academic and residential aspects; and administration and finance.
  • Examination will be MCQ type and will be conducted through offline mode.
  • There will be a total of 150 questions for 150 marks, and the duration of the examination will be 150 minutes.
  • Each question carries one mark, and there will be no negative marking.
  • The question paper shall be in English and Hindi (bilingual).

Candidates may check the table below to learn about  NVS Exam Pattern Principal:

    No. of   TestName of Sections(Objective)No. of                QuestionsMaximum            Marks   Duration   
    Part-1Resoning & Numeric Ability   10   10    3 Hours
    Part-2General Awareness   20   20
    Part-3Language Competency Test(General English-10,General Hindi-10)   20   20
    Part-4Academic & Residential Aspects   50   50
    Part-5Administration and Finance   50   50
    Total 150 150

NVS Syllabus 

Let’s have a look at the NVS Syllabus in detail given below for the posts of Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs),Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs),and Principal Posts.

NVS PGT Syllabus 

NVS PGT Syllabus in detail given below:

NVS PGT Syllabus
  • General Awareness  
  1. Famous Days & Dates
  2. Indian History
  3. Books and Authors
  4. Indian National Movement
  5. Awards and Honors
  6. Budget and Five Year Plans
  7. General Polity
  8. Current Affairs – National & International
  9. Indian Economy
  10. States & Capitals of India
  11. International & National Organizations
  12. Science – Inventions & Discoveries
  13. Science & Technology
  14. Sports
  15. Abbreviations
  16. Countries & Capitals
  17. Heritage
  18. Environmental Issues
  19. Indian Parliament
  20. Rivers Lakes and Seas
  21. General Science
  22. Famous Places in India
  23. Indian Politics
  24. Artists
  25. Civics, etc.
  • Resoning Ability

  1. Analogies
  2. Number,Letter and Symbol Series
  3. Relationship Concepts
  4. Spatial Observations/Spatial Observation/ Spatial Visulation
  5. Visual Memory
  6. Figural Pattern
  7. Coding-Decoding
  8. Non-Verbal Series
  9. Blood Relations
  10. Mathematical Operation
  11. Directions
  12. Cause and Effect
  13. Figurative Classification
  14. Classification
  15. Similarities and Differences
  16. Arithmetical Reasoning
  17. Statement and Conclusion
  18. Statement and Argument
  19. Making Judgements
  20. Venn diagrams
  21. Logical Deduction
  22. Descrimination, etc.
  • Computer Literacy
  1. Computer Basics
  2. Using Paint Brush
  3. More in Paint, About Desktop and Computer Peripherals
  4. Word Processor
  5. Formatting Word Document
  6. Internet
  7. Computer History
  8. Word Processor
  9. Exploring Windows
  10. Powerpoint Presentation, etc.


  • Pedagogy
  1. i) Childhood and development of children: Prospective in development, Physical — Motor Development, Social and Emotional development, Chlldhood
  2. (ii) Education and Curriculum: Learning, Learner and Teaching, Knowledge and curriculum, Facilitating personal growth, application In teaching, Knowledge and Methods of enquiry, Learners and their context, Pedagogic practice and the process of Learning ICT in education.
  3. iii) Methodology: Understanding Language and early Literacy, Mathematics Education for primary school child, Listening and Speaking, Reading, Writing, Language and Communication, Planning for Teaching, Classroom Management.
  4. iv) Diversity, Gender and Inclusive Education: Inclusive Education, Children with Special Needs, Gender, School and Society.
  • General English
  1. Verb.
  2. Tenses.
  3. Voice.
  4. Direct & Indirect Speech
  5. Subject-Verb Agreement.
  6. Articles.
  7. Comprehension.
  8. Grammar
  9. Fill in the Blanks.
  10. Adverb.
  11. Error Correction.
  12. Sentence Rearrangement.
  13. Unseen Passages.
  14. Vocabulary.
  15. Antonyms/Synonyms.
  16. Idioms & Phrases
  17. One Word Substitution, etc.
  • General Hindi
  1. Vocabulary.
  2. Grammar.
  3. Synonyms & Antonyms
  4. Translation of Sentences.
  5. Fill in the Blanks.
  6. Error Detection.
  7. Comprehension.
  8. Phrases/Muhavare.
  9. Plural Forms etc.
  • Teaching Aptitude
  1. Curriculum – Types of curriculum organization, Meaning, Principles, approaches.
  2. Planning – Instructional Plan – Unit Plan, Lesson Plan, Year Plan,
  3. Instructional material and resources – Laboratories, Library, Clubs-Museums-Community, Information and Communication Technology, Text Books, Workbooks, Supplementary material AV aids.
  4. Evaluation – Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, Types, tools, Characteristics of a good test, Analysis and interpretation of Scholastic Achievement Test.
  5. Inclusive Education – Disability as a social construct, classification of disability and its educational implications, Philosophy of inclusion with special reference to children with disability, Process of Inclusion: concern issues across disabilities, Constitutional Provisions, Education & Technology, Types of Communication, Understanding diversities: concept types (disability as a dimension of diversity, Communication & interaction, Theory of Communication, Communication & Language, Communication in the classroom, barriers in communication.
  • Subject Concerned
Candidates can learn about the subject-specific syllabus in detail for the posts of PGT:  Click here


NVS TGT&TGT Misc. Syllabus 

NVS TGT&TGT Misc. Syllabus in detail given below:

NVS TGT&TGT Misc. Syllabus 
  • General Awareness  
  1. Famous Days & Dates
  2. Indian History
  3. Books and Authors
  4. Indian National Movement
  5. Awards and Honors
  6. Budget and Five Year Plans
  7. General Polity
  8. Current Affairs – National & International
  9. Indian Economy
  10. States & Capitals of India
  11. International & National Organizations
  12. Science – Inventions & Discoveries
  13. Science & Technology
  14. Sports
  15. Abbreviations
  16. Countries & Capitals
  17. Heritage
  18. Environmental Issues
  19. Indian Parliament
  20. Rivers Lakes and Seas
  21. General Science
  22. Famous Places in India
  23. Indian Politics
  24. Artists
  25. Civics, etc.
  • Resoning Ability

  1. Analogies
  2. Number,Letter and Symbol Series
  3. Relationship Concepts
  4. Spatial Observations/Spatial Observation/ Spatial Visulation
  5. Visual Memory
  6. Figural Pattern
  7. Coding-Decoding
  8. Non-Verbal Series
  9. Blood Relations
  10. Mathematical Operation
  11. Directions
  12. Cause and Effect
  13. Figurative Classification
  14. Classification
  15. Similarities and Differences
  16. Arithmetical Reasoning
  17. Statement and Conclusion
  18. Statement and Argument
  19. Making Judgements
  20. Venn diagrams
  21. Logical Deduction
  22. Descrimination, etc.
  • Computer Literacy
  1. Computer Basics
  2. Using Paint Brush
  3. More in Paint, About Desktop and Computer Peripherals
  4. Word Processor
  5. Formatting Word Document
  6. Internet
  7. Computer History
  8. Word Processor
  9. Exploring Windows
  10. Powerpoint Presentation, etc.


  • Pedagogy
  1. i) Childhood and development of children: Prospective in development, Physical — Motor Development, Social and Emotional development, Chlldhood
  2. (ii) Education and Curriculum: Learning, Learner and Teaching, Knowledge and curriculum, Facilitating personal growth, application In teaching, Knowledge and Methods of enquiry, Learners and their context, Pedagogic practice and the process of Learning ICT in education.
  3. iii) Methodology: Understanding Language and early Literacy, Mathematics Education for primary school child, Listening and Speaking, Reading, Writing, Language and Communication, Planning for Teaching, Classroom Management.
  4. iv) Diversity, Gender and Inclusive Education: Inclusive Education, Children with Special Needs, Gender, School and Society.
  • General English
  1. Verb.
  2. Tenses.
  3. Voice.
  4. Direct & Indirect Speech
  5. Subject-Verb Agreement.
  6. Articles.
  7. Comprehension.
  8. Grammar
  9. Fill in the Blanks.
  10. Adverb.
  11. Error Correction.
  12. Sentence Rearrangement.
  13. Unseen Passages.
  14. Vocabulary.
  15. Antonyms/Synonyms.
  16. Idioms & Phrases
  17. One Word Substitution, etc.
  • General Hindi
  1. Vocabulary.
  2. Grammar.
  3. Synonyms & Antonyms
  4. Translation of Sentences.
  5. Fill in the Blanks.
  6. Error Detection.
  7. Comprehension.
  8. Phrases/Muhavare.
  9. Plural Forms etc.
  • Teaching Aptitude
  1. Curriculum – Types of curriculum organization, Meaning, Principles, approaches.
  2. Planning – Instructional Plan – Unit Plan, Lesson Plan, Year Plan,
  3. Instructional material and resources – Laboratories, Library, Clubs-Museums-Community, Information and Communication Technology, Text Books, Workbooks, Supplementary material AV aids.
  4. Evaluation – Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, Types, tools, Characteristics of a good test, Analysis and interpretation of Scholastic Achievement Test.
  5. Inclusive Education – Disability as a social construct, classification of disability and its educational implications, Philosophy of inclusion with special reference to children with disability, Process of Inclusion: concern issues across disabilities, Constitutional Provisions, Education & Technology, Types of Communication, Understanding diversities: concept types (disability as a dimension of diversity, Communication & interaction, Theory of Communication, Communication & Language, Communication in the classroom, barriers in communication.
  • Subject Concerned
  •  Candidates can learn about the subject-specific syllabus in detail for the posts of TGT: Click here


  •  Candidates can learn about the subject-specific syllabus in detail for the posts of TGT Misc. : Click here



NVS Principal Syllabus 

NVS Principal Syllabus in detail given below:

NVS Principal Syllabus
  • General Awareness  
  1. Famous Days & Dates.
  2. Indian History.
  3. Books and Authors.
  4. Indian National Movement.
  5. Awards and Honors.
  6. Budget and Five Year Plans.
  7. General Polity.
  8. Current Affairs – National & International.
  9. Indian Economy
  10. States & Capitals of India
  11. International & National Organizations
  12. Science – Inventions & Discoveries
  13. Science & Technology
  14. Sports
  15. Abbreviations
  16. Countries & Capitals
  17. Heritage
  18. Environmental Issues
  19. Indian Parliament
  20. Rivers Lakes and Seas
  21. General Science
  22. Famous Places in India
  23. Indian Politics
  24. Artists
  25. Civics, etc.
  • Resoning Ability

  1. Analogies
  2. Number,Letter and Symbol Series
  3. Relationship Concepts
  4. Spatial Observations/Spatial Observation/ Spatial Visulation
  5. Visual Memory
  6. Figural Pattern
  7. Coding-Decoding
  8. Non-Verbal Series
  9. Blood Relations
  10. Mathematical Operation
  11. Directions
  12. Cause and Effect
  13. Figurative Classification
  14. Classification
  15. Similarities and Differences
  16. Arithmetical Reasoning
  17. Statement and Conclusion
  18. Statement and Argument
  19. Making Judgements
  20. Venn diagrams
  21. Logical Deduction
  22. Descrimination, etc.
  • Numeric Ability
  1. Number System & Simplification.
  2. Decimal & Fractions.
  3. Profit and Loss.
  4. Problems on Ages.
  5. Percentages.
  6. Simplification.
  7. Average.
  8. Simple & Compound Interest.
  9. Mixtures & Allegations.
  10. Ratio and Proportions & Partnership.
  11. Time and Work & Pipes and Cisterns
  12. HCF & LCM.
  13. Time and Distance (Train, Boats & Stream).
  14. Data Interpretation etc.
  • General English
  1. Verb.
  2. Tenses.
  3. Voice.
  4. Direct & Indirect Speech
  5. Subject-Verb Agreement.
  6. Articles.
  7. Comprehension.
  8. Grammar
  9. Fill in the Blanks.
  10. Adverb.
  11. Error Correction.
  12. Sentence Rearrangement.
  13. Unseen Passages.
  14. Vocabulary.
  15. Antonyms/Synonyms.
  16. Idioms & Phrases
  17. One Word Substitution, etc.
  • General Hindi
  1. Vocabulary.
  2. Grammar.
  3. Synonyms & Antonyms
  4. Translation of Sentences.
  5. Fill in the Blanks.
  6. Error Detection.
  7. Comprehension.
  8. Phrases/Muhavare.
  9. Plural Forms etc.
  • Academic & Residental Aspects
  1. Child Development and pedagogy
    i. Child Development – Physical, intellectual and emotional & social
    ii. Problems of Adolescence – Role of Home, School, Hostel and society in
    dealing with them.
  2. Learning
    i. Concepts
    ii. Factors affecting learning
    iii. Motivation and measures for creating effective learning experience.
    iv. Learning outcomes
    v. Pedagogical leadership
  3. Perspective in Education
    i. New Education Policy-2020
    ii. Govt. Act and Policy on children
    iii. School system & organization
    iv. Good Governance in School System
  4. Teaching methodology and class room management
    i. Digital learning – Various initiatives by the Govt., Prospects,
    reach and effectiveness.
    ii. Curriculum
    iii. Academic Planning and implementation
  • Administration and Finance

  1.  CCS (CCA) Rules, CCS (Conduct Rules)
  2. Medical Attendance Rules.
  3. Fundamental and supplementary Rules (FR) (SR)
  4. CPF & NPS as admissible to NVS employees
  5. TA Rules
  6.  PFMS
  7. GeM
  8. LTC Rules
  9.  Income Tax
  10.  Legal Framework
  11.  Problem solving and decision making / Leadership
  12. Sexual harassment at work place.
  13. RTI/ICT Knowledge
  14. GFR



Q1. What is the syllabus of the NVS Exam?

Ans. The NVS syllabus and exam pattern for 2022 can both be found in the provided article.

Q2. Will the NVS written tests be conducted in offline or online mode?
Ans. The NVS written test will be conducted in offline mode.

Q3. Is the NVS exam bilingual?
Ans. The tests, except for the Test of English and Hindi Language, will be available bilingually in English and Hindi.

Q4. Does the NVS allow for negative marking?
Ans. There are no negative markings in the NVS exam.

Q5. What is the NVS Passing Marks Exam?

Ans. Candidates who pass the online exam with at least 40% of the total marks and at least 30% of the total marks in English will be considered successful. The question paper will be a multiple-choice objective type with five possible answers.

Q8. Is there an interview for all the posts at NVS?
Ans.Yes, the candidate will be invited to the interview stage if they qualify for the written exam.

For any other NVS related information ,visit the official site:navodaya.gov.in

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